There’s a lot of misunderstanding around the foxes in Florida. These cute animals are perceived as dangerous by some people. A recent study found that plenty of Florida residents find the foxes difficult as they have problems with this wildlife entering...
Raccoons do not dig holes in the ground, but instead, they will use old burrows that have been abandoned by different burrow-digging animals, such as opossums or rabbits. They might also find hollow trunks and logs and use them as dens. These animals can make...
Many people would not want to imagine a snake on their property, mainly because it can be poisonous and even deadly. However, snakes could make their way into a building and find hiding places in small holes and crevices during the winter to hide from the...
Armadillos, the barrel-shaped mammals covered with an armor-like shell, prefer living in areas that have sandy or loam soils. That is because such soils are loose, therefore, are easy for these small animals to dig burrows. They usually dig burrows to use them...
Cleaning is the first thing that comes to mind for most people when they discover an animal has taken up residence in their home. Even if a lack of cleanliness may play a role in an animal’s intrusion, this is not always the case. It’s not unusual...
If you’ve realized that you have a raccoon living in your basement, it is very important that you know why. Since raccoons can be very dangerous to your family’s safety and health, you need to understand why your home has recently become their home. Honestly,...